Yay...! Something is really wrong with my notebook today. Finally it reads my memory card. So I can do my posting now. So sorry ya???
First of all, I would love to wish my mum a happy belated birthday again. It was her birthday yesterday and we went out to have dinner at night with her friends tagged along as well.
What I got for her?
A birthday card!
Then as for today, it's my dad's birthday! Wishing him happy birthday as well... I too got him a card for his birthday!
I made them in Stella's house. Thankyou for lending me your pc and printer too giving me these free paper and envelops! Thanksyou so much! Treat ya nxt time ya???
Okay, back to my mum's birthday. Her friends got her a sponge cake! Don't know what it tastes like. Feel like having it but very lazt to cut it. Heee.....!
Looks tasty right? I'm so hungry now. I felt like ordering Mcd... But saving money for my coming KL trip... What to do?! sobz....
Heard the STPM results will be out soon... All the very best to those who took STPM!! But a very bad luck for me to be taking my exams. sigh....!
I have some SO BELATED post to post here. Some Valentine post.
What did I got from my sweethearT???
He bought me a mine-alesi model of both of us.

Cute??? It does quite look like us... Hee...! Happy-nya... But this two model is still located in KL.. I still cant get hold of 'em... Sobz...!
But I did another Valentine suprise for him. On the 19th of Feb, I ordered a mini49 cupcakes over to his working office!

Looks tasty right? But my name spell wrong agaiN!!! So hate it.
I want to eat... Heard his mum ate most of them.. the taste?? Very nice. So tempting after hearing her mother said so...!!!!
Now, I'm so hungry, still deciding on what to eat...! Wondering as well what will be the results of the Elections and will there be curfew??? Even my mum is afriad so.
Since i'm quite emo lately, mum said if there's curfew, no one can go out. If one does, they'll be prosecuded. So, I thought of going out!
You might all think i'm insane..
Because I am... Hee...!!!
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