He had a birthday dinner at the Ipoh Royale Club, right opposite the St. Michael School, with all his friends. Swt...! So scary, all eyes were actually on me than my dad! He's the birthday fella, apasal tengok I?!
He's happy with the dinner, and his friends even got him a birthday cake. So my dad have two cakes that day. One from the Club itself, the other from friends.
Taste extreamly weird... I don't know what they have inside.. All nuts. Definitely gotten me nuts that night studying.
Soon, habis exams!! Wow...! Should be celebrating or enjoying but I gotten, myself even more stress. However, at night went out with Stella to parade! I wanted to get a bikini, so cari parade dulu. Stella too have to meet someone there, so after we're done, we head to have Kenny Rogers. Baru buka.
Then wafter ordering the main dishes, I ordred a Winter drink. The waitress suddenly told me Vanilla ice cream out of stock! So is either I choose others drinks or other flavor ice cream. So? I ordered a Strawberry ice cream with sprite. Taste damn weird.
Then this is what stella did to the mufin... Kelian.
hahahah... We literally played with the food. Bad gilrs we are. Aren't we Stella?? hahahha...
The next day, I went out with Yuki to have Mcd for supper... Nothing much, catchin up with life and so on... Came yesterday! Went out to have Black Canyon with my mum in Jusco.
I ordered a orange frost and mum, her favourite Hazelnut coffee.
Guess i'll just stop here. Need to pack for tomorrow. Everything last minute... Hee..!!!
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