KL Trip post...!!!
Sorry for the delay guys~ Ya, been busy and lazy as well...! *wink*
What about my KL trip???
Ya, it was kind of fun on the 17th which I finally had the chance to go Sunway Lagoon...! Over excited, lupa nak ambik gambar... ish!
Back to the 16th of March. All of us, Stella, Kei and I took a 0730 time bus down to KL. Along the way, Kei was complaining how pain her stomach is and needed to go to the ladies badly. She had some slimming tea or something... Poor thing. Have to tahan like 2 hours?
We reached and as we all know here, KL traffic damn suck! We kind of stuck right outside Swiss Garden Hotel, and all of a sudden, forgotten who suggested that we go down to pinjam Swiss Garden Hotel's toilet. We did! Kei even suggested if the bus is still outside jamming after we're done, we're hop back into the bus. I was like SWEAT
In the bus, done a little bit of cam whore! Heee...!!!
Okay, we also done some cam whore in the Ladies but it was taken with Stella's digital cam. Before we entered to the Ladies, there was this bell boy. He was doing his job tying up luggage bags together, so I push mine and Stel's to him and ask whether this is where we leave our luggage. He was polite enough and first thing he ever asked was ' Checking out? ', and I was like... 'Yeah!' *Panic*... After tying out luggage together, he pull a card out and ask for my room number. I was like... SHIT! What to tell him ar?
I told him I was still blur and totally forgotten about my room number.. I tried to turn to Stella, and Kei... But both went to the Ladies... Sobz..! But the bell boy let me go anyway~ Phew...!
After done going to the Ladies, we walked down to Pudu Bus Station as John is waiting for us there. While we were still on the bus, three of us was like, why everyone (us) is wearing black today. Kei thought Stella and I pakat nak pakai hitam. We said we nvr did so. All of us was wondering if John were to be wearing black as well... We thought of so many colours he would wear, but definitely not black. When we saw him in Pudu, he's in BLACK!!!!!
Walao... The black gang! The John said this is what family do. Think, do what also the same. We ignore him anyway... hahaha! We then took a town bus down to Sunway Pyramid, as my boy is working in Padini Concept Store, Sunway Pyramid, Stella and I needed to drop our luggage in his car, than to stroll around in the shopping center with luggage hanging around us.
After dropping our luggage in my boy's car. We were clueless where to have out lunch as I booked a 1445 movie ticket for Step Up 2. Why don't we watch it in Ipoh? Because this bloody god damn ipoh dono how to different shape what's nice and what's not. Saja tau kung fu, love and horror. All this nice movie don't buy in! Not fair. So WE *stella and me* will have to go down to KL to watch it. Sigh.
Not too long, some of us was carving for sushi. We then went to Sushi Groove.
Not bad thou the interior, after we sat down... All of us start ordering. Hungry la..! Stella ordered a plate of 5 salmon.
This is my cold green tea!
After lunch, time for digest! We walk! After walking, we begin to feel tired... We were separated half way walking, Stella and I was together... We went to wait for the others at the cinema area.
While waiting, a little cam whore must be done!
Then later, the others arrived, while waiting for the cinema we continue cam whore.

Done movie-ing... As Kei and John have to leave at about time 1830, we went to have J cos'!! Yum...!!! I literally waited in the queue like half an hour!! Alone...! Kei was with John outside and Stella flew off to meet her net friend Edmund... Leave me all alone here... By myself...!
After having J cos', we had a group shot. The Black Four.
After J cos'. That's it for the day... My boy finish work. Had dinner in Carls Jr. and sent Stella off into her friend's place..
Till then.. I'll write again... I'm so tired after two blog post... Sigh... Nightz...