Tuesday, February 19, 2008
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Sunday, February 17, 2008
Emo Again
Reviewing my blog is seems to be like a mess...!!
I typed those two blog post while using Microsoft Words... By moving them over editing them again has done nothing to change the way of my blog post!!!
I'm like WTH....!!
Fine, i'm done with editing and I started being emo AGAIN! Lame old Me!!!
I went to bed to get some rest since I have sleeping disorder lately that I have been sleeping just 6 to 7 hours lately... Which I need about 10 to 11 hours of sleep to recharge myself!
Crawl myself up to bed, feeling cozy and comfy.
Finally, I thought. I could have some beauty sleep for goodness sake.
However... My brain cells like fooling around with me! Started being more and more emo...
Thinking more and more nonsense, nevertheless I got myself crying like a baby!!
What's wrong with Me?!!
How can I be so emo all of a sudden?
I need someone now, so badly!!
But I was thinking, what if the person ask what's wrong with me, how am I suppose to answer him or her?!
Then knowing that I couldn't find the answer myself, I throw my phone far away enough so that no one could reach it...
Anyway, no one WILL be reaching my phone except for myself. -.-'''
Soon I got myself into semi-concious later then until quite some time I became concious at the time of 1800. I make myself crawl up to where my phone is and looking at it... I guess it lasted more than 5 minutes of stillness looking at my phone.
Looking at it, wondering what I should do with it.
Wondering who I should call.
Should I call him, to say Hi?
Should I just throw the damn phone away again and get myself to bed again.
Well, I made up my mind by dialing to him. Yeah, he's definitely busy. So chatted awhile then the phone hung up by itself. Guess it's time for me to shut up!
He ring back and I'm like... Chill girl, chill... Act normal instead of emo!
Yes, I think I pulled it off this time! But sigh.... I don't know what to do anymore.
It has been a stressful week. I'm not in the mood for anything... I just wanted to sit at the edge of every corner I could be.
I don't want anyone to notice what or how I was doing. I literally felt apart.
Soon mum came in and I nearly yelled at her.... for no reason! I'm like... I don't even know what's gotten into me!!!
Somebody out there... tell me what's wrong with me or start stabbing me with a knife!
I guess I might feel so much better!
I really got all my emotions mixed up and I can't do anything about it!
This is purely depression. Don't try this at home kids, you'll regret or you might even commit suicide?
Now, I feel like throwing me notebook away, everything away!
I even thought of hitting myself with the notebook.
That sounds better right?
Hitting myself with a notebook...
I'm so going crazy.
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*This post was written on the 15th of Feb*
Many things had happened last night, as I was being so upset over a small matter. I also finally realized that I should not have been so ego, I really do have to think before I act. I was still keeping some secret from him, because I did not knew how to tell him about it. Since last night, I felt so much better blah-ing all out at him.
Yes, I am sorry. I know I have been naïve, because of the self-centered me, we argued. Last night, I went out with Stella,
When I was out with them, I was still being cool. I tried to calm myself down and let everything out of my head, and since it was Valentine, I tried to focus on enjoying my valentine with these friends of mine instead of being the emo, and dull me. Knowing he will be heading to Loong’s house for a prayer... I was still chill. Nevertheless, when I got home, I felt so miserable that I felt like tearing myself apart. He messaged me when his home, I am happy yet sad. However, I told him not to call since it was already 2 in the morning, I know he needed rest since he have to get up early the next day... Yet he called. I am touch but again I still felt miserable.
He asked me why, I did not know how to answer. I lost track of expressing myself out.
Sounds funny right??
How anyone could lose way of expressing himself or herself?
But, yes I did. If you ask me how, I do not even know how it happened.
I know I got him upset.
I know I hurt him a lot.
I know I am not a good or perfect girlfriend.
Okay and yes. I have promised him I would drop this issue.
However, I am just blogging, okay? Please do not get angry or upset again.
I hate seeing him being upset. I really rather I get all his pain, least I know I will slowly recover… He asked me to delete that particular blog I have post. I have done so. Do not worry too; I have dropped the issue as well.
Last night, I asked him about his point of view about me. He told me I am an incomplete heart has yet to be paint. Well… I am a very lazy person; I really do love to if he paints that particular part for me.
Yeah… Yeah… Yeah… I am asking stuff form him again…
I do not know why again I am feeling so down. I should be happy and cheerful when I wake up this morning. Hence, worse still I am feeling sick and sleepy. Guess I am just lack of sleeping??
Yes, most of my readers know I have insomnia… I do not even know when I got it. Maybe 4 or 5 years back?
This morning, I realized something I had been wondering all the time, and having doubts on it as well. Before I spill what it is, I would like to say I like and hate it at the same time. I am so confusing myself, and guess I am confusing you guys as well. Sorry.
I am a gadget lover, especially on mobile phones. I first own a mobile phone was in year 2001; I was still doing my Form 1. I still remember it cost me a hundred ringgit to get a Sim Card! Can you imagine now I can get 10 of them??!!! Oh my Freaking God….!!
My very first model was a second-handed Ericsson phone. Bought it for RM200. Mahal sgt at that time.
Then came the internet, having a pc at home, going online knowing net friends. Getting more and more numbers. Soon, in 2002 my sim went out of space for me to save up my new contacts…! Crazy shit..!
In Year 2001 an Ericsson phone
In Year 2002 a Nokia 3310
In Year 2003 a Nokia 7210
In Year 2004 a Nokia 5350
In the middle of Year 2004 a Nokia 3100
In Year 2005 a Nokia 6260
In Year 2006 a Nokia 6670
In the Year of 2007, I finally settle my phone with Sony Ericsson W800i
Coming soon… Nokia 6500 slide or N82???
Who knows??
I wasted so many bloody RM in mobile phones…!! You want to know why?
First, I fancy all new technology but actually I just wanted to show off I had the latest phone!
Come to think of it now, I was pathetically naïve and bloody stupid.
I don’t even know why this thought came into me…!!!
For now, I don’t wish to own the latest phone that’s on the market. I just need a phone, with enough memory space for me to save all the important messages in my phone. Knowing that others will call or even message me and definitely not owning the most high-tech phone in the market yet the phone itself will not even ring once.
Waking up, knowing the phone will not even ring… It really hurts my feeling thou I do not know why.
However, when I just wanted to be alone so much…! Throwing my phone and everything aside, peoples, friends they all came ringing to my mobile, house phone and even cannot stop nudging me in MSN!!
This is really, what I hate most.
When I am feeling so down and unhappy, when I do need the goddamn mobile to ring. It kept silence until I was literally pushing myself to the edge… Even if I would call up, I get all kind of excuses… busy and so on. *sigh*
I really do still feel like changing new mobile phones. But I’m now lack of RM in my account. So many things to plan and buy. Wish list as long as a scroll….!!
Yet, I finally realized, is not technology that matters, it is when your phone rings and knowing someone out there is caring and loving you. I too realized how excited I am to know he would call up. I would wait for that call... I would wait for my phone to ring. But I hate hanging up of coz! *wink* and he hates that…! Sorry!
Now, I am still waiting. I missed out his call this morning. I’m waiting for it to ring again now… Wondering what will he be doing, has he had his lunch yet? Is he ok?
I know I am super duper worried and protective over him.
I want him to have the best girlfriend in the world
I want him to be the happiest person on earth.
I want him to beloved
I want him to know he is not alone.
I want him to know a pair of ears is here to listen anytime
I want him to know there is a pair of shoulders to lean on whenever he wants.
I want him to know there is always an open arms waiting for him.
Hence, I have failed to do most of them…
What a terrible girlfriend I am…
Guess I know why no ones want me…! *giggle*
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Valentine Day
This is definitely a very late post of mine.
I was busy with assignments and too working as well.
Therefore, by the time I’ve reach home, I’ll be so dead exhausted… Moreover, last night I was out again to celebrate
This post will be about Valentine, Love, Couples and most of all presents & gifts!
I bet all might be wondering what I’ve got for Valentine~
Some knew I got a Rose from
No doubt this year Valentine, will be my first time not having to celebrate.
Sad and pathetic right?
Because of work and distance
Because of tiredness
Because of financial
Because of time
Because of these, I couldn’t celebrate with him!
I got to know about my gift on the 28th of January, damn early right?
Is actually a mini-Alesi.
Wondering what is it???
Is a figure with your face on it.
Quite expensive thou. However, I still couldn’t lay my fingerprint on them… It’s coming on the 26th of Feb and my dear can lay his hand on them but I don’t even know when can I actually lay my hands on ‘em…
Come to think of it… I’m not happy about this year Valentine Day.
I argued with him on Valentine, didn’t celebrate Valentine even thou I was out with Stel,
I’m still wondering, what does love really mean in this world.
Some might have their own point of view, but isn’t Love the same thing???
Why do I get numerous answer from different people???
Yet, I’m still wondering… When someone tell you how much he or she loves you…
Do they really mean it or its JUST A WORD they use to melt your heart for that particular moment???
Moreover, another thing, they can actually say it to more than one person whom they seem to HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE with.
I am like… WTFH?????
I’m not shock or what, but isn’t weird??
Well, this is my point of view, I may not have been in that position of falling in love with two guy at the same moment but I have been in that moment of being betray by the word LOVE.
So what does LOVE really means?
Love is blind?
Love is pain?
What is love anyway…??
When one falls in love, they do so much to get the other ones attention.
Funny isn’t it??
Don’t laugh… I’m in that situation… Sigh.
Nothing to be sad about, but I just find it very weird.
So hard to understand what is the really meaning of LOVE.
What is Love then?
The other day I’ve over heard the radio debating about Valentine.
Do girls want guys to spend more on Valentine???
Many guys phoned up and most of their answer was literally yes.
The came a few girls, but numerous sms from girls for this debate were a No, No.
Then came fighting time!!
Nola… joking aje.
In my point of view, I guess I’ll be at the girl side
Not because I’m a girl, but come to think of it. We don’t really want guys to spend hundreds or thousands of money on Valentine but all we ever wanted was your heart
Not cutting ya organ heart out but a sincere loving heart, show us that what you said it’s true. Melt our hearts like you guys did before.
I have friends nagging and complaining always that their boyfriend won’t even hold their handbag for just a little while.
I asked why
Their answers was that their boyfriends think that holding a girl’s handbag means being control by girl and so on!!
Why this kind of guys still exists??
He’s like so out dated! No one in this world ever said that holding a girls’ handbag meant letting girl take control or what so ever!
Do guys know, we think when you guys hold our handbags for us, it actually does melt out hearts.
Is like so freaking sweet for a guy to do such a thing!!
But guess that boyfriends of my friend is still in old age… Guess he better catch up with the modern time than to be left out…! *giggle*
I was even told that a guy thinks doing all this sweet stuffs are stupid and childish.
That guy WISHES & WANTS a girl to do such things to him!!
How can a guy be so freaking selfish?!
I’m not just saying all guys are bad and so on.
There are still guys does all kind of sweet stuff to their beloved girlfriends!!
So whether you’re a girl or a guy, I guess the most important is just to appreciate what your partner has done or do for you.
Never ask for more, but to give instead.
Written by
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Randomly to Leon
Don't be jealous sweetheart~
I know you're going to read my blog, and you're reading it now...!!!
Guess who gave me the rosE???
Suspicious??? Curious?? Jealous???
If that person wants me how???
What will you dO????
Your heart pounding as fast as ever???
What if it's a guy???
Don't worry, the answer is just after this blog. Read 'em and you'll know the answer....!!!
You know, I love you right?
You know, I cant live without you right??
You know, I just love being around you....!!!!!!
Gee.... I'm going crazy missing you... Kill Me...!!!!
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Valentine Night Out
It's Valentine!
I bless every couple will be bless with a box full of love and care!!
Gee... I miss my dear...!!
I too want to spend my time with him today... So jealous seeing others holding each other hands
I too want to do so!
I too want to hug a big teddy bought from my dear!!
Too bad I am just not so lucky....!
However... Bell got me a rose!!! I Love You, Bell...!!!
No doubt you're feeling down and sad... but all I can give you is ma love...!!!
Muakz...! Muakz...!!!
Yet, I still miss my sweetheart...!!!
Where are you?!?!?!?
Why work...?!?!
Currently I'm sitting in Starbucks with Stella, Bell and Neven.
Spending our Valentine together, sipping more and more coffee...!!
And I cant stop having me Cream Cheese Danish...!!!
So cheesy~~
Guess I'll eat first... Yum~~
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Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Fucking Humans with no Fucking Law
My car kena sratch?!
Oh... is with the FUCK word on my bonet!!!!
What's wrong with this people?!
The parking area has no name written on it, you didn't buy that fucking land
WTF you go and sratch my bonet?!
Is a free world to park anywhere!!!
You sendiri take it as your own teritory, then is ok.
Other ppl park there for awhile, have to kena sracth from you!?
What the bloody shit is all this?!
Where is the law?!
Humans, study so much for what?!
Still they are the same shit as ever!!!
It has been a very bad year, bad day, and bad month!
What is more for me for this coming year?!!??!?!?!??!!!!!
Next time, don sracth, come kill me.
I'd be glad to have you killing me than to hurt my mum's car!!!!
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Saturday, February 9, 2008
Valentine Gift

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Friday, February 8, 2008
7th of Feb
My sweetheart bought 4 dozen of J.Cos' from Pavilion, KL before coming up to Ipoh. We ate 1 dozen for desserts, half a dozen given to my Godmum & sis, and we had the another half a dozen.
Still another 2 dozen left!
What to do with it? We'll save it for tomorrow breakfast!
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Wednesday, February 6, 2008
It's hot
I'm so frustrated.
My eyes are getting more and more itchy
I definately can't stop rubbing them.
Peeping at my stack of homeworks and assignments to be done.
Felt like taking a lighter and start burning everything I have including myself.
Ok, a lighter won't do. I'll take few bottols of kerosene.. and just a least one or two boxes of matches might do then...!!
I'm so tired... But I need to do my assignments...!!!
Which to choose??
Sleep? Assignments?!
I guess I'll chose to sleep. I'm torturing myself now since I cant even open me eyes de and been sleeping damn late for the past few days...!!! Insomia, just kill me.
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Alright, Chinese New Year is right at the corner...!! But I cant seem to find the FEEL for it.
Not like how I used to be, joy-ed whenever I think of Chinese New Year. As times flows by, I'm starting to hate CNY instead of enjoying it.
I cant find the joy in it anymore nor the excitment of it.
People gives me red pockets, I guess I was suppose to be happy?
Yet I felt like owing them whenever I laid my hands on those red pockets.
Mum are quite busy preparing for CNY, and so does my Brother which he just came back from KL.. Curently playing his PlayStation 1, my old favourite game, Bomba Man. -.-''
Everyone is busy with all their preparation for the coming CNY. I was too two days back but it seems that almost everything failed me... Least I've got 6 cj7 movie tickets for my family.
I've planned to have a little CNY suprise for me family by buying them movie tickets and treating them for dinner. Wanted to take them out to Flames, but closed. 2+1 in Bercham also closed.. My Point in East Sector of Ipoh Garden also closed...!! Everywhere close!!!
Now, I'm still thinking of whether having it at home or at Johnnys'... since I have an Induction Cooker and all I have to do is to get beverages. It's going to be quite cost saving if i'm having it at home.. But it'll be quite rush as well, as I'm a bad planner and i'm not having a very good mood lately... So I'm doing my very best to control me temper... sigh.
Boss gave me a bonus today...! rm350 in it. Cool huh?? So I can treat my family, but I'm thinking of saving for my future handphone.. ish.. Teruk ni...!
What to do???
I'm so tired of thinking
I'm so tired of waiting
I'm so tired of seeing
Can't someone just get me outta here?
Come get me out of this piece of shit i'm in!
So frustrated over so many things...!!
Boyfriend said i've been thinking too much.
Mother said i'm been so high tempered lately.
Customers complaining their bloody shits to me.
Me myself expecting more than I can be.
Hoping to be a better year yet been falling sick and hurting myself unexpectedly
I think i'm going to be crazy before the year going to end....
Mum said its still year end (2006, in chinese calender) So I might still face some problems. Aiks.
Having so many problems still not enough??? Still want more? Is God trying to kill me??? Or should I say torturing me... Before CNY sick, having ' fong mok ' on the leg, twisted my toe while bathing, what else more?
Oh! Argued with family and boyfriend. Just that not with friends yet. Having insomia as well... Now, I'm just waiting to be in the hospital. What more can it be?!
What's it so good preparing for CNY?? Waste of money, time. Meet people you hate. Get red pockets, eat, and grow fatter day by day. At least I find something good about CNY is there's mandarine orange to eat!! Too bad I wasn't a filty rich man's daughter anymore, so I only ate 7 mandarine orange for this coming CNY, so pathetic. *sigh*
I remembered I used to ate few boxes of em and I always gotten my stomach ache very badly every CNY.. But now, I cant and I don't have that many mandarine orange for me to get my stomach ache. Really pathetic.
It feels great to have stomach ache on CNY, I can prevent myself from going to relatives house, seeing their fake faces everywhere makes me more ill. I'd rather get sick myself by eating something I love, than getting sick by just looking at human's faces'...!!
Oh well, what can I blog more about this coming CNY?? But I still wish everyone out there enjoying their CNY. Happy Chinese New Year Everyone.
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Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Valentine Gift?
I cant take my eyes off it...!!
Off what???
Okay, the other day I pull Stel out to accompany me for some valentine and CNY special planning. I know she was damn tired that day, and so sorry ya???
So we went to Jusco, had lunch in Secret Recipe then we went walking around since Stella also had to get some things. After Jusco, Parade here we come.
Everywhere was jammed pack with humans.. Too with crazy and pathetic humans. Enough with humans.. I went straight to a watch shop to take a look at some watches which i planned to get for my dear as his valentine gift. I really went out of ideas and time, thinking what to give him. But soon I've decided to give him something he needs, and the brand I love.
What is it...????!!
You all want to know???
I'll post them after Valentine~~~!!!
So not posting it here now, afraid he might view thru and know what is it?!
Do come back for the ans ya, readers???
After i've bought the ' gift ', I cant take my eyes off it!! I cant even take my hands off it.. Just hope one day someone will give me something I really love... But that'll always be a dream.. In my dreams~
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Saturday, February 2, 2008
29th of Jan
It was half the tray size only. It wasn't as LARGE as it was seem and told by others. But it's hard to put the whole thing into ya mouth and start biting it off, most of the chicken or even vege will come dropping off from below of the burger itself. Taste of it was normal like any normal burger taste like in KFC. Don't expect much from it thou. As for me, I ordered a two piece ori chicken and that's all. Done eating? Let's go to Mid Valley then!!
Because the first shop I seen when I enter the shopping mall was this Yamaha Shop. Since I remembered that my dear wanted one pick, so I got him instantly without having a second thought! Now, rushing for the second item. The second item we got was a sign saying ' Don't care , Don't know, Don't want to know ' funny la.. So bought it.
Then came to the last item. I have rm1.40 to spend!! Wth in MV I can get with rm1.40?! Moreover I left about 5 minutes... Before I was being qualified for the next round!! Arh...!!! Run and think, FAST!!
ThankGod we run by a D.I.Y shop.. run in fast and cari benda-benda yg paling murah!! Got meself two card holders, each cost rm0.70.. Yeah, is a duplicate item but we only suggested that rules after the first round. So biar aje~ hehehehe
Now, we have two hours break!! We only have to used up rm30, so no need to rush. I went strolling along in the complex without worrying about anything then guess what? We were thirsty, and that's when I got the first item. Shin Chan comic volume 47. Cost 5 bucks, so another 25 to go. Back to strolling.
We went into planet word to check up some Cds' and there's where we found our last item!! Rm25 bucks for any of the cds' in that particular shack! He bought a Bon Jovi cd! Habis round 2.. easy chup!!
While loitering around, there were this orghestra going on in centre court.
Took some pic of them.
So here come the third and final round!!! I only have 30 minutes to purchase up to rm3o!! I rush into Toy R us to me littlest pet shop, a purple panda. Rush in to Guardians to get a toothbush and a heel cushions. Ran out and searching for our last time!!! rm 6.7 left to be use!
OMG.. what on earth can we buy?? It was his turn to get the item. He took a balloon pack and another pack of something and both cost rm 6.7! But he was 30 seconds late to pay up.. So we lost the game! Stupid but fun! Where's out nxt stop? As out tummy was making sound.. We went to have Big Apple!
We ordered 1 dozen of it and had all twelve kinds of flavours.
We were thristy as well, ordered a drink and there's free glacier donut each.
This was the menu standing there all by itself.. No one was really looking or browsing it. Because all eyes was on the donuts being baked in the open-air kitchen.. -,-''
Done taking photos, let's start eating...!! We took an hour to finish all 12 donuts and guess which is the last bit of donut we ate??? Ta-da...!! Alien Vs Predator... A pathetic donut name.
Look weird right??? It was suppose to be very nice looking while it was still in the kitchen as I was browsing them dressing the donuts.. I don't know why it became like this. Maybe the donut is still hot. So it melted all the chocolate. Eww...
We isolated this poor fellow apart... As we were chewing and biting all it fellows mates into our tummy...!!!
It was too chocolatety and I cant take it all in the end. Stuff me hubby with all the choco!! Overall, some said Jcos' still the best some said Big Apple. Who know??? As for me?? My next trip down to KL will be having me feed with Jcos' donuts...!!! Whahaha....
After all those donuts being stuff into your tummy, we went over to Gardens. It was still new as there were still many shops being in progress.
Not bad thou. Will come back in another one or two months time.
And for this time,
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Frustrated New Year
Oh dear... Why?! Why all this happens to me??
It's only the begining of the year and i'm feeling so frustrated and stressed already.
Not to mention that Chinese New Year is just at the corner!!
Having all kind of mood swing at night and especially at nights....!!!!!
What's wrong with me???
Friends been telling me all sorts of bad year I'm going to have this year.
Yeah, they are so damn right.
I almost had accidents thanks to those ' F1 Drivers ' on the roads.
I nearly killed myself in my own home, by nearly fell down from the stairs.
Having all kind of unnessary arguements day and night.
Cant seem to control my temper anymore.
What else more??!!
I cant take this anymore...!!
Had another arguements last night with him...
What to do?!
I cant control myself.
I don't feel like talking so much.
I get irritated easily.
Someone please drop me a c4 and blow me up into pieces...
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