It's Thaipusam and guess what? Day off!! No doubt is just another day, but we have a plan to go for a outing with Navin, Stella, Bell, Neven was tagged along and Mei Lai as well!! There'll be a celebration or they called it as parade at YMCA and DR Park area. *don't know the road names* So we have out little small gathering with each other for the night to come.
I went to get Stella at time 1850. It was still early, but I was already hungry!! Sobz...!!! I was told to fetch Mei Lai as well.. then about 15 minutes later, called up Navin where to meet, end up I have to fetch him as well...!! -.-'''
Me in Stella's room
She even got me to wear her blink blinks bangles....

After that, we first head to get Navin which he is in Simpang Pulai.. On the way to get him, we drop by in Mcd! I'm starving dude...!! Must have something!! Stella even thought of getting a Mudpie in Malaysia's Mcd. Too bad we cant get 'em. Guess only in Singapore they have them. Done taking away our meals, went straight down to SP to get that jerk...!!
Got him, and the car start shaking and you could really hear alot of noise in it.. Not the radio that's making the noise but Navin is. Is fun to have him around sometimes! *wink*
While we were on our way to get Mei Lai, she phone up and by all means we asked for her address as well. But then she told us she was going out with her family for a family dinner, and since the big guy behind us was telling us how his stomach was making all the noise, and wanted to get some stuff, Jusco here we come! Stel even told Bell to meet us up in Jusco.
Got his stuff, we were looking around for food for him and he kept asking where got nasi lemak la, laksa and so on. The only place where we have nasi lemak and laksa in Jusco was Chatter Kopitiam. Right out KFC and The Natural Shop if anyone didn't notice. We took him there and wanted to shut his mouth but end up worse. He was making noise again!! He kept complaining how sucks the nasi lemak is, the sambal taste weird and so on... Partly Stella and I were isolating him apart but then....
Guess what he did??
This is what he wrote!! OMG.
I cant help laughing and started to camwhore with him... and too with that piece of tissue.

Bell reach soon after, and they were also hungry so we went Mcd after that, told Mei Lai to meet us up in Jusco later when she's done with her family dinner. Yes, camwhore again!
Stel & Me
While camwhoring, Stel was promoting her shop in Low Yat forum. Telling Navin about it, she took the bangle out of my hand and put it onto Navin's arm...!!!
!!Attention Everyone!!
Guy in Bling
Is a New Trend!
Isn't he adorable or cute? So any guys intereted in it?? Come to There's just not blings, but some other stuff...!! So check it out!!
While all the chit chatting alo blah-ing. Mei Lai's here, with her sister Mei Ling. But she left us in 5 minutes time, told she wasn't close with any of us except for her own sister and me. Too bad then!
Mei Lai & Me
Alrighty! Everyone's here and off we go!! We left Jusco about time 2100, and by the time we reach our destination, wow... Not to say jammed pack with humans but cars! Guess it was because some of the road been blocked. That's why and it wasn't that hard to get a parking space...!! Just that we have to walk what... Ish!
Humans!!! Sorry but feel more like i'm in a Indian Pasar Malam instead of Thaipusam parade. *no offence*
Let's walk then, among with others humans. Then came along a stall selling keropok! Mum wants them, so I got few of them just for her. But she told me she wanted muruku instead of this keropoks...! *yikes*
Done with buying, let's walk again.

We then came thru a shop drawing inais'.. Mei Lai and I was interested so we got our hand done with Inai art.
Mei Lai's Inai
This is mine, still in progress.

Ta-da...!! Done, nice huh???

Inai habis, continue walking again...!! Wee, even capture some picture along the way to the temple.

Yeah... We've reach the temple!

This is scary, I meant isn't it pain??? Wouldn't they feel the pain?! I do even when I saw them doing it. As if I was at his position!! *shivering* It seems that is like a spiritual belief that a God will be in his body and taking control. Something like that la... Not very sure. Heee... Don't blame me..!! After this, on our way back to our cars.. Stel and Mei Lai wanted to play Go-Cart since it was open for Thaipusam Parade. But then, Neven, Bell and Navin kept telling us about the hygene stuff... Mei Lai and Stel insisted on playing but there were only three of us playing. We find kind of no fun, so we make a deal that we'll come by and play other time when we find one gang of friends. It was time 2330 at that moment, no one wanted to go back so early so we decided to go yum cha!
But where?
Think... think... and Think...!!
Finally there's an answer.
Old Town Kopitiam in East Sector of Ipoh garden.
I was so hungry then again when I parked my car aside... So went down, find a nice spot and start ordering!! I ordered a chicken hor fun. Look nice, but too sweet. I think they put too much kicap in the soup... *puke*

Finally, we continue our chat but not long enough the shop was closing and we have to leave. It was 0030 by the time we left Kopitiam. Sent Mei Lai back and Navin to SP. Home we go, since Stella was just two streets away from my house. By the time I reach home, it was already 0130.. So tired!! I doze off the minute i laid down onto the bed.. But a great experiences for me to know more about other culture! Maybe I'll go again for the upcoming Thaipusam in year 2009?? Anyone wana tag along??
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