I'm so bored here...!! Why? Alright, don't get confuse readers I'll tell you why i'm so bored here.
On the 27th of Jan, which means yesterday, I went down to KL for some time with my sweetheart, I reach KL time 1730, took a bus to Sunway Piramid and reach time 1800. I waited for more than one hour till he was done working...!! But his actual working time is from time 0900 to 1830.. Such an Operation Executive always work OT...!!! Nvm, come to today, he's working as well and even worse he has a training from Sunway Piramid complex itself and have to be in the mall by time 0800...!!
What am I suppose to do all day long while he's working??
No worries! I phone Elisa to accompany me later in the afternoon but she will only be free after time 1400. Since I'm here in the early morning time 0800... What the heck am I suppose to do to waste my time till 1400?!!!
My sweetheart drop me off later outside the mall and I went loitering around the area.. I was kind of hungry, I saw KFC infront of me!! They have been promoting about a new menu by having breakfast same like Mcd, moreover it still early now, why not eh??
I went in and ordered a Cheese Chicken Muffin, with coffee. What does it taste like?? Not to criticise but it does taste exactly the same as Mcds'... But! But if i were to choose between KFC and Mcd for breakfast, I think I would rather head back to KFC. Its muffin taste nice but I aint sure about others yet, not to mention about the coffee as well. Least I only have to pour one pack of cream and exactly two packs of sugar. Splendid!
Ate, read comic which I bought it yesterday after I've reach Sunway Piramid. Trying my best to waste all the time i've got!!! Omg... I read the comic like I was reading a novel. I read every single word it was written there and analysing the way the author drew this comic.. Yet, it was only time 0835...!!!
Fine, there's always another way to waste up all the time I have. I took out my phone and called up all those friends whom are allocated in KL for studies. Oh dear... They are either having class or busy studying for exams! I totally forgotten that today is a Monday. No one is free, and I really have to wait until time 1400 for Elisa.
I phoned up like 5 - 10 friends on my and talked on the phone for not so long because my phone batt is getting LOW...!!! Wth.... I really cant imagine how to surpass the time I have here. Sweetheart lend me his notebook since he knew I was So So going to be bored... But all I will do with it was to blog, and yes i'm doing it so now!!! Okay, back to where I left out. Where was I???
Oh, I'm still sitting inside KFC. Thanks for reminding. *wink*
After done talking on the phone for like an hour or so... Finally it was time 0930. I then phone Elisa for another chat which I guess she thinks I'm kind of rushing her out of the house to get here. Gee... Am I that bad???
Done talking to her and I sat for another one or two more minutes till I was tired of sitting, I got up and start to loiter around the area again. Soon later I came to Piramid Mall.. As I thought it was still early that the shop will still be close or something but hey...!! Me love for Starbucks!! It's open! Yay...!!
I went in straight without a second thought, ordered a caramel find a nice spot and sit down. Till now I've been blogging since then. I thought I was the earliest one but guess I was wrong. Few foreign are even earlier than me. I guess they have been hehe in Starbucks like 0800???
And now, sitting here, cant upload any photos but to blog. What else can I do???
Sweeetheart told me he has downloaded alot of movies but I'm not in the mood of watching any movies right yet I felt like dozing off... My eyes are as red as an ang pao...!!! I cant help rubbing them... It's so itchy ya know??! The temptation of rubbing me eyes off!
All the friends who knew me seem to be very worried about me rubbing my eyes out! Some said I'll get blind but I cant help rubbing me eyes!! I felt so... So... Nice? I guess nice is a suitable word for rubbing my eyes...! hahahah...! Yeah, call me crazy! I know you did!!
Stella even got me a new nick name. ' Chi Mun ', please read it in Cantonese. As for translation which will be crazy mun. My name is Carrmen. So since I have all kind of weird and insane personality. She addressed me as a ' Chi Mun '. ' Chi ' came for the word ' chi sin ' anyway.
The clock is still ticking and I really cant think of anything to do! I'm like so lost and forcing myself to blog or ya know! Waste time!!! Time waste-er I am....!!!!
Oh... Yes. I want to learn about photography and stuff!! Anything to do with art...!! I found one guy who has been teaching all this, but it seems that my mum doesn't like him and so on. She even tell me all the photos taken by him are so Normal. Normal... Mum, at Least he could as for your daughter, who doesn't know anything which cant even take a nice picture out of anything and have been changing to more and more hi-tech phone in every year. What a spoiled kid am I! Come to think to see, after viewing Smashpop.net & Rames Studio Blogs...
I was speechless at that moment after viewing all their photos taken. I was so amazed by it! It was very very nice! Isn't it cool to have this kind of abilities to take all kinds of nice pictures down at every moment of life. I really wish one day I have the ability to do so! Maybe, maybe someone might appreciate what i do and done. Right?? *dreaming far*
Yep, back to Reality. Is just a dream which I might be able to achieve it or not. For now, I still have to finish up my Diploma in Business Admin. Gee... This really sucks. As in business...!!! Yeah, business is a world wide thingy so I have no prob getting a job. This is what my dad always tells me. Things are different now, Dad. Having a piece of paper written with a Diploma word won't work like how it will in the olden days, as for now, it'll only work if your using your Brain to work instead of your hard work. Experiences are so much more important than having a piece of diploma paper. Even a some degrees holders work in malls.. Promoter. I'm not criticising my sweetheart but hey, this is the reality right???
Really, so what if you are a degree holder or a phd and Master? My cousin now workin in KL as a mini-clerk as she is holding a Master... I was like, wth....!! She is currently 28+... I think. Went overseas to get a piece of paper but it doesn't even help you out in any ways. Or maybe she just found the wrong job??? Who knew? and her salary is like rm2000++ only!!!! Omg... For me I don't think I'll ever accept a job with this low payment while i'm holding a master!!
Alright back to where I am now, still a rookie in everything. Being emo every night now. Mood swings like the wind blows. Having insomnia every night and day. What else more? Oh, nearly kena accident while on the way from Ipoh to KL. People nowadays really thinks their a F1 driver. Driving mini cheap cars, speeding, and cross passing other people's lane like he's the street owner! Mana boleh macam ni?! Bila ada accident blame others pulak!!! Grrr.....!!! Don't ask why I am so angry. I was One of those putih putih Victim last two years ago... I cant believe I was so damn naive at that moment of time!! But least I was smart enough of acknowledge that he's trying to get money from me! Stupid humans!!!
Don't worry, i'm not scolding you all my dear readers. But just a way to express myself out! All those angers inside of me.. Sigh. Just cant get rid of them!! Somebody, please? Help??
There's this old man who sat beside me while I was coming down to KL yesterday. He's such a nice old man but too bad I felt pity upon looking at him. Is not like he's disable or what. But a feeling of loneliness crawls into my heart.. He seem so alone. We talked thru out the journey, and he even told me he was a part time therapist!! Yeah, parents always taught us not to speak to strangers but not this one. I really wonder what will happen to my mum or dad when they are old? I meant I really don't want them to be alone. When i'm off seeking for a living and them staying in the house with no one else around them... My mum definitely don't want to stay with my bro. But I'd prefer a single life, as in living independently. I really don't feel like having anyone whose related to me staying with me.. I'm like so used to being alone.. Even now, I face things alone when I'm down.. Of cause i'll share it with my sweetheart but definitely not my family. They really don't know anything about me except me for being cruel, and cold-blooded. I'm famous by this two nature thing I got. Can't help it okay?? But it's kind of nice thou!
I know I'm a girl but what can i do about it?
I cant take up make-ups, dressings or girly accessories...!! I find it quite..... *shivering*....!! No offences though.
I'm just not like any other girls out there!! I like to play games as in extreme games, activities, RPG games.. my nitendo DS Lite, and all sort of technology stuff...!!! Most important is cars...!! I love racing! But I'm done racing on the road, or I also haven't start racing but I did raced with my friends before. Just for the sake of thrillness!!
I still remember my dad promise me to let me learn go-cart..!! Yeah right! Kena tipu by my own dad...!! Told him about it, he shoot me back by saying I was creating stories...! What kind of dad is this?!!? Nvm, as long you give me my month allowances is enough. I'd rather learn everything on my own and with my own ability. So much better than to rely on others.
Oh well, I guess I better stop now, if not I really wouldn't know how much longer this random blog will turn out to be!! For now on, see ya later!!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Bored...!! Random blog
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