Tuesday, June 24, 2008
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I kinda misses him now.. even thou it just has been 24hours I didn't see him... Sigh.. Could this be Love?
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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Nice...?? Very nice!!! Well, of course this image I found it on the web, but the real one, is just right below!
hahaha...!! Posing with mee yen in Pangkor. Cun can? But then, battery very fast habis, theme can send thru multimedia tipu org punya. Still, whenever u touch the phone, damn syok lo...!! Dono why~ hehehehe
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Yes, I know. My deepest apologies to my readers for all my late posts!! Now, is my pangkor trip post!
End of day 1!! Coming soon, day 2 in Pangkor!
----------------------------------Photo session ended----------------------------------------
I went to pangkor with my friends on the 12th of April, came back on the 13th. I sum up all the money I've used for these trip, excluding gifts and foods, include games and accomodation, whereby I only used 100 only!! Cheap can?!!!
Of course, we went in a gang so accomodation also share. We took a family room, which cost us rm160, round up 4 of us, where each and every one of us have to pay rm40 only! hehehehe...!!
We went for Banana Boat, Cannueing, Snokering, played in the sand, monkey.. and a lots more! Couldn't remember at all!
Soon, at night we went out to town and got ourselves some hot and spicy seafoods! Damn! I cried!
It was too spicy for me to eat... So I ate a little only.. Sobz....
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Monday, April 14, 2008
So Sorry
I am so sorry my dear readers...!!!
I know I have not been updating my blog... there's alot to log, but I just couldn't find time for it...!!!
Because, I'm working on two jobs and part time studying... which I only have sunday for myself and friends... gee..
I'll tips on a little of what happen for last week...
I've went Pangkor Island with my secondary friends on saturday and sunday.
It was supremely fun but tiring
Will post the photos soon enough I have time.
About my new fancy toy??
ala... wait till i have more time so that i'll post them out also.
p.s Neven, continue guessing and be patience!
Sry...!!!! please bear with my late post!!! Thankyou guys..!!!
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Sunday, April 6, 2008
Back to where I left out, my day 2 of my last trip down to KL....!
Done putting things in the locker, changed into my new Bikini, ready for everything, thrown my phone inside the locker and locked, suddenly something very important snap thru my mind, habis lo, lupa nak ambik gambar....! Sayang sekali..........
It was so quiet that day, that we even have the whole pirate ship for ourselves! Syok-nya.
Run here and there, almost played everything that was there. Too bad the extreame park was closed for maintainence, if not, i'll go even more insane playing all these stuff.
We left the lagoon about 1600 and went back to pyramid to have some tea time snack.
What's our tea time snack???
I'm such a Jco's fans now... I cant help stuffing all Jco's donuts into my mouth and chew them hard....!!!!
Later on, done having tea time, we walked around the mall and feeling damn exhausted...! Soon, out stomach start playing all sorts of techno music. How to stop? Go Mahattan Fish Market, for dinner!
I totally forgotten what I have ordered... Sorry...!!!! *meow*
Later that night, went back and have a little yum cha session with his friend, Ryan. Soon but not long, back home and it's sleepin time!
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Look nice? Think nice? I don't know....!!! But then, damn excited gila knowing myself going to watch a movie ALONE lo....!!! Told my boyfriend, he said i'm insane. Told my best pal, she said i'm going nuts. Well, I guess Definitely I am!! hahhahaha
Sorry guys about my late post and so on. Soon i'll be posting my day 2 for my last KL trip!
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Tuesday, April 1, 2008
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Wednesday, March 26, 2008
KL Trip post...!!!
Sorry for the delay guys~ Ya, been busy and lazy as well...! *wink*
What about my KL trip???
Ya, it was kind of fun on the 17th which I finally had the chance to go Sunway Lagoon...! Over excited, lupa nak ambik gambar... ish!
Back to the 16th of March. All of us, Stella, Kei and I took a 0730 time bus down to KL. Along the way, Kei was complaining how pain her stomach is and needed to go to the ladies badly. She had some slimming tea or something... Poor thing. Have to tahan like 2 hours?
We reached and as we all know here, KL traffic damn suck! We kind of stuck right outside Swiss Garden Hotel, and all of a sudden, forgotten who suggested that we go down to pinjam Swiss Garden Hotel's toilet. We did! Kei even suggested if the bus is still outside jamming after we're done, we're hop back into the bus. I was like SWEAT
In the bus, done a little bit of cam whore! Heee...!!!
Okay, we also done some cam whore in the Ladies but it was taken with Stella's digital cam. Before we entered to the Ladies, there was this bell boy. He was doing his job tying up luggage bags together, so I push mine and Stel's to him and ask whether this is where we leave our luggage. He was polite enough and first thing he ever asked was ' Checking out? ', and I was like... 'Yeah!' *Panic*... After tying out luggage together, he pull a card out and ask for my room number. I was like... SHIT! What to tell him ar?
I told him I was still blur and totally forgotten about my room number.. I tried to turn to Stella, and Kei... But both went to the Ladies... Sobz..! But the bell boy let me go anyway~ Phew...!
After done going to the Ladies, we walked down to Pudu Bus Station as John is waiting for us there. While we were still on the bus, three of us was like, why everyone (us) is wearing black today. Kei thought Stella and I pakat nak pakai hitam. We said we nvr did so. All of us was wondering if John were to be wearing black as well... We thought of so many colours he would wear, but definitely not black. When we saw him in Pudu, he's in BLACK!!!!!
Walao... The black gang! The John said this is what family do. Think, do what also the same. We ignore him anyway... hahaha! We then took a town bus down to Sunway Pyramid, as my boy is working in Padini Concept Store, Sunway Pyramid, Stella and I needed to drop our luggage in his car, than to stroll around in the shopping center with luggage hanging around us.
After dropping our luggage in my boy's car. We were clueless where to have out lunch as I booked a 1445 movie ticket for Step Up 2. Why don't we watch it in Ipoh? Because this bloody god damn ipoh dono how to different shape what's nice and what's not. Saja tau kung fu, love and horror. All this nice movie don't buy in! Not fair. So WE *stella and me* will have to go down to KL to watch it. Sigh.
Not too long, some of us was carving for sushi. We then went to Sushi Groove.
Not bad thou the interior, after we sat down... All of us start ordering. Hungry la..! Stella ordered a plate of 5 salmon.
This is my cold green tea!
After lunch, time for digest! We walk! After walking, we begin to feel tired... We were separated half way walking, Stella and I was together... We went to wait for the others at the cinema area.
While waiting, a little cam whore must be done!
Then later, the others arrived, while waiting for the cinema we continue cam whore.

Done movie-ing... As Kei and John have to leave at about time 1830, we went to have J cos'!! Yum...!!! I literally waited in the queue like half an hour!! Alone...! Kei was with John outside and Stella flew off to meet her net friend Edmund... Leave me all alone here... By myself...!
After having J cos', we had a group shot. The Black Four.
After J cos'. That's it for the day... My boy finish work. Had dinner in Carls Jr. and sent Stella off into her friend's place..
Till then.. I'll write again... I'm so tired after two blog post... Sigh... Nightz...
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Today, I finally broke it. I took up the courage to break it hard...! Without knowing whose watching or even bothering. I just did it.
I broke this poor pen. Why??? Because I was damn angry and frustrated with customers!!!
Alright, chill chill... Back to where it started. My mum went off early as she needed to go to the lawyer firm to get things done, and left me alone in the shop.
First, there were only a few customer at a time, which I can still manage to attend. Soon, one by one coming in like a storm! Some customers were understanding enough. They waited long for me to attend to them as I was being called everywhere by those idiot, no brains, bloody shitters customer, which they want to be attend first. Done with those, there was phone calls coming in and out! As i were too busy to even pick them up! Till most of the customers left, finally I had the chance to ans the phone call. This is where I got so heated up. Here's how the conversation went.
Customer : Hello, is this cosway?
Me : yeah, may I help you?
Customer : I need to know whether do u have to two way foundation in stock.
Me : I have tons of two way foundation, which one do u refer to?
Customer : *silent* Neh... That one lo... it was published in last two months offer book.
Me : Can you give me it's code so that I could check for you. *annoyed*
Customer : I dono anything la... Neh, that one lo! You worked here so long, you don remember ge meh???!!
Me : I have a million products right behind me, you cant expect me to memorize each and every one of them, or do you have it's box, there's code behind it. You can even tell me it's brand.
Customer : It's Lelan Vital.
Me : Okay, I have different colours, which one do you want to know?
Customer : Har?! Got colours gah??? I dono wo. How much can I get it now? Can I still buy it?
Me : *swt* You can buy it at rm33, there's no promotion going for this product.
Customer : WAH...! So expensive?! Last time I buy also rm19 something..!! *silent* If I want to buy it now, I have to pay rm33 for it? I am a member wo, why cost me so much???!! No discount meh?!
Me : Yes. *getting fucked up badly* Because it's not in the promotion book. The only price I can give you is rm33.
As I was in a great hurry too, while talking to this customer on the phone, on the other hand there's this bitch who wants to try on so many sizes of bra and girldle.. I was definitely very annoyed, but I am still keeping my cool. *forced to*
Customer : Why you answer me so fui hin?! You don't want to attend to me isit?!!!
Me : No, I'm sorry miss. There's alot of customer here. I don't mean...
Customer : *cut in* If there's so many customer, you can tell me ge mah! What customer service is this?! Nothing la bye!
She hung up that call and I was like... WTFH?!!! What's wrong with these ppl?! What if I told you to call back?! You might just said you will only take one minute, but the prob is you don't even know what you want!!! You cant give me the code or anything... What also dono la dono this! And expect me to memorize the price for each and every item?!!! WTFH....!!!
Then another one phone call came. This time it's damn... I also dono how to describe it.
Me : Hello, Cosway.
Customer : Cosway hor? The buy 2 free 1 mask cannot buy already hor??
Me : Yes, because that offer last until the 24th of March only, where else there's a new promotion for the mask on march 25th till april 24th.
Customer : Can la... You just put my bill back on to 24th of march then can lo.
Me : *I was so damn fucking stone to hear that* Miss, I'm using a computer to key in the products and definitely the computer can key items that isn't in the promotion period.
Customer : Nvm then. *hung up*
Is this an idiot or what?!! I don't know what to do with them anymore... The more I face them, the more i'm going insane!!!!
Too I want to apologise for the pen... Hee...!!
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Saturday, March 15, 2008
He had a birthday dinner at the Ipoh Royale Club, right opposite the St. Michael School, with all his friends. Swt...! So scary, all eyes were actually on me than my dad! He's the birthday fella, apasal tengok I?!
He's happy with the dinner, and his friends even got him a birthday cake. So my dad have two cakes that day. One from the Club itself, the other from friends.
Taste extreamly weird... I don't know what they have inside.. All nuts. Definitely gotten me nuts that night studying.
Soon, habis exams!! Wow...! Should be celebrating or enjoying but I gotten, myself even more stress. However, at night went out with Stella to parade! I wanted to get a bikini, so cari parade dulu. Stella too have to meet someone there, so after we're done, we head to have Kenny Rogers. Baru buka.
Then wafter ordering the main dishes, I ordred a Winter drink. The waitress suddenly told me Vanilla ice cream out of stock! So is either I choose others drinks or other flavor ice cream. So? I ordered a Strawberry ice cream with sprite. Taste damn weird.
Then this is what stella did to the mufin... Kelian.
hahahah... We literally played with the food. Bad gilrs we are. Aren't we Stella?? hahahha...
The next day, I went out with Yuki to have Mcd for supper... Nothing much, catchin up with life and so on... Came yesterday! Went out to have Black Canyon with my mum in Jusco.
I ordered a orange frost and mum, her favourite Hazelnut coffee.
Guess i'll just stop here. Need to pack for tomorrow. Everything last minute... Hee..!!!
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